Thursday, 31 January 2019

#ASimpleBloodTest - Prostate Cancer Awareness

Lets be frank, everyone has been affected by some sort of Cancer during their lifetime. Whether it be personally, family, friends or colleagues. Somewhere along the line you know someone who has fought or is stilling fighting against Cancer.

But. Did you know that 1-in-10 South African men will be affected by Prostate Cancer in their lifetime? That's really actually a scary number if you think about it. And currently Prostate Cancer is on the rise in South Africa.

However, did you also know that early detection of Prostate Cancer could save your life?

It's been to long that talking about this is seen as taboo & should not be discussed. It's about time that issues about male health, specifically Prostate Cancer, are talked about & that we remove the stigma around the testing process. 

Although the exact cause of Prostate Cancer is unknown, there are a few aspects to your life that may increase your chance of it developing.
 - Age: Prostate Cancer more often occurs in older men, it is said that after 50, the risk rapidly increases.
 - Family History: Genetic predisposition. Men with a 1st-degree relative (ie. Father or Brother) with Prostate Cancer, have twice the risk of developing the disease. 
 - Diet: Having a healthy lifestyle overall can reduce your chances of developing many diseases. Studies have shown that a high fat & red meat intake alongside a diet low in vegetables increases the chances. 
 - Alcohol: Having more than 2 standard sized alcoholic drinks per day is another risk factor. 
 - Other Lifestyle Factors: Obesity, lack of physical exercise & smoking all contribute to increased risks.

Ignorance isn't bliss. Know your Prostate Cancer status with a simple blood test. 
The diagnosis is simple. Check some of the ways that diagnosis is done here
It is recommended that you get checked at least once a year.

So, you end up having Prostate Cancer? There is hope! Here4You have got a pretty detailed write up that you can go through to see what the different treatment plans are. And not everyone's treatment plan is the same as someone else's. Check it out here

And naturally there is life after being diagnosed & treated. It is possible to live long & full lives. However, it is important to know from the start what to expect & how to best deal with the physical & psychological ramifications of the disease & treatment. 

So yes!
#ASimpleBloodTest could save your life... 

Check out some of everyday men who have Prostate Cancer here

Brought to you in collaboration with Here4You.