Monday 22 April 2019

Wine Tasting 101 - Sipping

Looked. Swirled. Smelt.

Finally, now you can reward yourself with a sip of wine after all that looking, swirling & smelling. 

Take a sip of wine & let it sit in your mouth for a moment, as to give you a moment to think about what you're tasting. What I like to do is swish around in my mouth as to get a good feel & taste of the wine. By covering all your taste buds, you'll be exposed to the sweet, sour, bitter & salt profiles in the wine. Now, what does it taste like? Do you taste any of the smells that you picked up? Is the wine sweet or dry? What does the wine feel like in your mouth? You may then promptly swallow. 

This is where the fun starts. Now it's time for conversation around the wine. Especially if tasting with others. One thing that I have learnt, is to be confident in what I think I smelled & what I tasted. I love sharing about my opinion & listening to what others have discovered in the same glass. Another incredible aspect to drinking wine that I love, is the memories that a certain smell or taste can bring up. It could be something from 15 years ago when you first had a sip of red wine at the Sunday lunch table & the joke that your Dad shared, or even a moment of nostalgia thinking back on moments shared with your significant other. 

So be openminded & adventurous the next time you pour a glass. Let me know what you taste in your glass.

Happy tasting. 


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